By checking the box stating that you do not have an IND/IRB, the Purchasing Party/Requesting Party/Research Facility/Sponsor acknowledges that Cord for Life®, Inc., (CFL) is NOT liable for the intended use of any of its research use products purchased by Purchasing Party/Requesting Party/Research Facility/Sponsor and Purchasing Party/Requesting Party/Research Facility/Sponsor understands and acknowledges that their intended use to be limited to research use only and/or with a valid FDA approved Investigational New Drug (IND) application, and/or other Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved protocols, by placing this research use order. CFL does not intend to define, suggest, alter or approve of any kind of “practice of medicine” performed by the administering physician(s) or physician(s) receiving it’s umbilical cord blood stem cells or the administering physician(s) or physician(s) of party(ies) via the Purchasing Party/Requesting Party/Research Facility/Sponsor that it’s research performs using CFL’s cord blood stem cells or related products ordered/purchased by the Purchasing Party/Requesting Party/Research Facility/Sponsor, instead, relying solely on their FDA approved IND and/or Clinical Trial/IRB approved protocols to determine safe practices of use of the cord blood stem cell product(s) manufactured by CFL.